Friday, July 9, 2010

Does Facebook Have Log In History



- "I love Hello Kitty" for craftylove

- "Pretty in Pink" per Cristopherpines:


- "Purple and Green: a handmade present" from KamKat:

- "Profile surprise" from tyingknots

- "Z recipe postcards" from knitmom7, lizziebeth226, NeedleNinja, Mommy2Blaze

- Sugar Rush from itsbettertoknit

- chocolate bar swap from Bizabeth25

- chocolate goodie bag from TJ

- sugar rush from emplosion

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Name The Parts Of A Pirate Ship

dolcenero @ 2010-07-07T18: 18:00

As you know Latin?
Как вы знаете латынь? Knowledge catch phrase in Latin, can show off your erudition to everyone, so that something you probably know. Check?
My result is:
Excellent! You have correctly answered all the questions. You perfectly know the catch phrase in Latin. Maybe you Doctor?
Take the test, "How do you know Latin?"
All cognitive tests

Stalin Smallox Scarred


Shprehen russish exist?
Шпрехен зи руссиш? Test knowledge of loan words, proper names and other tricks of the Russian language. Such a small "dictation", allowing you to test your literacy.
My result is:
you made a mistake. Think you know Russian language almost perfectly!
Take the test "Shprehen russish exist?"
All cognitive tests